
Background About Us
young couple laying on grass in park reading book
Education Icon Hover


Through mentorship, intervention and college-immersion experiences, Urban League Education and Youth programs are closing the racial achievement gap in communities large and small. Advocacy on the local, state and federal level keeps issues of equity and fairness forefront in the education debate.
Employment Icon Hover


We believe that one’s employment should meet more than their basic needs, rather it should allow an individual to access a wage that allows them to live a full life, and provide benefits that protect them, and their families, from life’s many challenges. The Northern Virginia Urban League supports the National Urban League’s goal that every American has access to jobs with a living wage and good benefits, by helping people find jobs, get training, and pursue rewarding careers.
group of employees
Notebook with text Financial Wellness
Financial Wellness Icon Hover

Financial Wellness

From making a household budget or balancing a checkbook to evaluating life insurance and selecting an investment vehicle to fund a comfortable retirement, people must learn about personal finance in order to be successful managers of their incomes and assets.

Tenants of financial literacy include: 

  • Managing Household Budgets
  • Basic Checking and Savings Account Management
  • Understanding Credit Reports
  • Recognizing the Signs of Predatory Lending
Health Icon Hover


In the U.S., people of color, and low-income Americans, are more likely than their white and affluent counterparts to be uninsured and face barriers to care. They are also less likely to have a primary care provider and have higher rates of chronic conditions (i.e. heart disease, diabetes cancer, asthma, and HIV).

Through the National Urban League’s signature health and quality of life program, Project Wellness, the National Urban League supports the delivery of replicable, sustainable health care to underserved communities while advocating for the elimination of health disparities.

african american nurse sitting on floor in hospital
multiracial couple
Housing Icon Hover


Having a place to call home offers a sense of security and stability that has no price. A home is not a luxury; it is a fundamental human right. Sadly, today's unforgiving economic climate, coupled with rapid changes to our nation’s cities, has created a housing insecurity crisis that affects millions of Americans. Would-be homebuyers are confronting escalating home prices and ever-tighter credit requirements. Meanwhile, renters face displacement and possible homelessness as the cost of living rises and incomes stagnate. We support education and partnerships that provide education to home ownership and stability in one’s home.

In Touch

In Touch

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